655 Madison

Chicago’s first compromise free trophy class high rise building

655 Madison — a future-forward office tower where the old guard and the young bucks both thrive. Where the city’s best access and amenities meet. And where back to work and working from home transition seamlessly. 655 Madison ushers in a revolutionary world of wellness, connection, and inclusion, giving your company the power to build the world you want


  • Address 655 W Madison
  • Building Size 1.4 Million SF (Tower I - 850,000 SF & Tower II - 600,000 SF)
  • Floor Plates 27,000 - 30,000 SF
  • Parking Secure porte co-chere with access to 200+ parking spots
  • Owner The John Buck Company
  • Signage North & south facing building top signage opportunity
  • Outdoor space 2-acre outdoor park
  • Amenities 55,000 SF of private tenant amenity space curated and operated by Lulafit
  • Building Systems + Technology State-of-the-art HVAC with no commingling of air between floors
  • Access Best vehicular access in Chicago

655 Madison - Video

Conference Center

Conference Center

Madison Entrance

Madison Entrance

Fitness Center

Fitness Center

Gameroom Amenity

Gameroom Amenity

Tenant Lobby

Tenant Lobby

Conference Room Amenity Level

Conference Room Amenity Level

Tenant Space

Tenant Space

Private Outdoor Park

Private Outdoor Park